
Chick-fil-A Manager Prays With a Homeless Man and Teaches a Life Lesson

Written by Brittany Moses

There’s nothing cooler than stories of everyday people who are caught being Godly. It’s encouraging in contrast to the idea that society is in a selfishly ambitious climb up the ladder. We know that as Christians, we’re called to selflessness and to think of others in the same consideration as ourselves, in the nature of Christ. So when we do get to see this play out in the world around us, it’s a message worth spreading.

This story began with a man and his daughter in Tennessee, who went to their normal “daddy/daughter spot” at Chick-fil-A. They took a seat at their booth and witnessed a beautiful display of compassion. Joey Mustain, the father, expressed what happened:

“A homeless traveler had walked in and asked if they had any extra food. Mud was wet and caked on his well-traveled shoes. His hair was matted, and his beard wasn’t a statement as much as it was a necessity and a sign that he doesn’t get to shave as often as most of us do. People near him kept their distance, but that didn’t stop him from being kind.”

Mustain described how the store manager greeted the man:

“…he’d love to give him a full, warm meal—not just scraps or extras—and the only thing he required was that the man let him pray with him. After the homeless man agreed, there was no waiting for things to die down, there was no scooting anyone to the side. As busy as they were, the manager stopped then and there, laid his hand on the man and proceeded to pray. I heard love in that prayer.”


[Image: JoeynKaren Mustain on Facebook]

What’s equally beautiful is that this father asked his daughter, Stella, to observe what was going on. When she asked her dad what was happening, he explained the situation to her, which led her to bow her head in prayer as well.

“I realized then and there that Chick-fil-A doesn’t simply do business for profits; they truly use business to minister,” Mustain shared. “I love teaching my daughter life lessons, and I also love being there to watch other Christians teach her life lessons. Thank you, Chick-fil-A, for taking care of the latter today.”

Here’s the thing: There’s a difference between being a hearer of the Word and being a doer of the Word. One sits with us and the other awakens us to take action. The more people, like this Chick-fil-A manager, who are doers, the more examples we have—and the more examples we have, the more we can collectively challenge a culture to a higher standard of love, compassion and biblical representation.

Whether you work at a fast-food place or a desk job, or are a student engaged on campus, we’re all called to shine the light of Christ in some way so that He may be glorified to bring hope and salvation to those around us. It may not always look like praying for a homeless man. It may look like going out of your way or the extra mile to help the least expecting person, awakening their heart in a way no one else has.

The big question is: What can you do to contribute to mission of Christ where you are?

Literally stop and think of three ways you can make a difference from where you are and let’s be the church.

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