
Sermon From 1930’s on Biblical Submission In Marriage

Written by Lydia. (My thoughts in parentheses)

I was asked to write something about the principle of submission. I don’t think I have actually written about this, since I felt there was already so much good material about it available in books and on the web. When we were growing up, we didn’t really see it as a problem, as it was such a way of life for Christian women. Even those who did not embrace any religion, saw the power in submission and used it for good.

Personally, I have a lot more fun, and it is a lot more relaxing, to leave the theology and preaching up to the men and just blog about the solutions I have been finding to the many aspects of home life. However, this will be a theme article that will be placed on the side, so that I won’t have to write any more about it.

So little conflict was there over this subject, that we never knew it as an “issue” that it has been made into, today. However, feminists will make an issue out of everything that they can, in order to keep conflict stirring; keep life unsettled, keep people nervous, and destabilize the culture. To us, it just meant being kind and loving, being nice, not arguing about every little thing, not constantly contradicting your husband or ruling over him. It meant not nagging him or criticizing him. It meant discussing things at length with him but leaving the responsibility on his shoulders. It meant being a good adviser but not insisting on having things your way all the time, unless he left it up to you. It was a peaceful way of having a good marriage and cooperative children. Today there is so much heated debate over it that even preachers do not want to approach the subject. (In this day and age, people are easily offended and riled up by the truth which isn’t that surprising as the bible depicted this in the latter days. (2 Timothy 3:1-5) Biblical submission within marriage has been deemed as “dangerous” and “abusive” by radical feminists who twisted the word out of context to fit their ideals of regaining their “dignity”.)

This is a sermon copied from a sermon book that was published in 1947, a year before Peter Marshall preached his sermon, “Keepers of the Springs.” There were similar sermons by other preachers, and in the 1960’s, when the immodest fashions appeared and many women left their posts and went to work, some of these preachers were still alive and preaching. They fought the prevailing culture, valiantly. Many of them were ostracized by society for their sermons and some of them were forced out of the pulpit by change agents in the church.

This sermon was written 60 years before the popular books on womanhood were written. This is how people thought “in the olden times,” and they did not apologize for it.

I was thinking back about how preaching used to sound and what preachers used to be like. They were strong and manly and bravely stood up to the impudence that was entering the church. The preachers sounded fierce, it is true, but the people were generally calm. Today, the preachers all (a lot) sound like calm, soothing counselors, and the people are uneasy.

from “Sermons on First Corinthians, “by George W. DeHoff, Murfreesboro, Tennessee , published in 1947 (preached in earlier years)

“Many women resent the idea of being subject to man. They think it is a great thing if they can act like men. In this, they are wrong. Nothing can be sweeter than a womanly woman. Nothing is more repulsive than a manly woman. A woman who tries to be like a man is a disgrace to God and man. (Radical feminism)

Today, many women think it is wonderful to smoke like men, curse like the men, drink liquor like the men, wear clothing like the men, and cut their hair like the men. Woman is sweeter and more precious than man. She is superior in a great number of ways. In attempting to be like men, she is simply coming down from the lofty pedestal of a queenly woman and becoming a second-rate, bareheaded, bob headed, cussing, smoking, beer guzzling imitation of what God would have her be. It does not take a preacher to say these things. I hear unsaved men from one end of this nation to the other saying the same thing. Even worldly men are alarmed at the place to which women have fallen.

The Bible teaches that a man cannot do as he pleases. He is subject to Christ. He cannot live as he would like. Christ is ever uppermost in his heart and life. He puts Him first in everything.

The Bible also teaches that woman is subject to her husband. She loves him, puts him first, her whole life is bound up with his, and she is ever anxious to honor and respect him. The Bible teaches that man was created first and the woman was taken out of him (Genesis 2:23). The husband is to rule over his wife (Genesis 3:16). The idea of inferiority being taught here is just plain nonsense. The man is to protect and defend his wife. It is his responsibility to care for and “give honor unto the wife as the weaker vessel” (I Peter 3:7). (This is a great sacrifice on the part of the man. It’s true that women are to submit to husbands. But the world demonizes the word “submit” and abuses the word. The word does not mean that the wife is a doormat or is under the man’s every whim. Submissive marriage is not an employee-employer relationship. Submissive just means the wife puts her trust in her husband and respects him. The husband is called to love his wife sacrificially as his own body, as Christ did the church, so in a way, he is submitting, too. The husband is called to humble leadership for his family. He is supposed to love, respect, care for, and protect them. It’s a huge responsibility and should not be abused. It’s not to say, “the man is greater than the woman”. A husband in true leadership would never belittle his wife. He would treat her as his equal.)

The woman who marries a man, takes his name. Young lady do not marry a man unless you are proud to wear his name and accept him as your head. Otherwise, it is far better to remain single where you can run things to suit yourself!

Lest someone rebel at the idea of subjection, Paul reminds us that Christ is subject to God. He humbled Himself. He became for all eternity subject to God. It is His glory to fill that place of subjection. Just so, it is a man’s glory to be subject to Christ, and a woman’s glory to be subject to her own husband. Those women who would have it otherwise may do so, but they will not have happiness, nor will they have the respect of right-thinking people.”

“Before I was a Christian, the idea of a wife submitting to her husband actually disgusted me. I thought that this meant that the man was superior and the woman was a doormat. That’s what the enemy wants us to believe and that’s why so many wives rule over their husbands and it causes problems in their marriage. God created marriage and so therefore He knows how a marriage should be done. He didn’t create a man and a woman to have equal roles, He created us to have unique roles.

The husband is the head of the household, yes, but he still has to answer to God, who is the Head of him. He is also commanded by God to love his wife like Christ loves the church. As we know, Christ died for the church. So, husbands have a tall order that is placed upon them and as wives, we are called to be their helpmeet. Helping them to step into their God given purpose and be the man of God and husband that God has called them to be. We can’t do that if we are too busy trying to take control of him and the household.

That will only cause strife and division. Sisters, I promise you that if your husband loves you like Christ loves the church, submitting to him will feel like a breeze because he will not abuse his authority and he will not treat you like a doormat.”-Rebecca

“Although women were created as a “helpmeet” for the man, we were first created the same as men – “in the image of God.” In Christ there is no longer male or female one verse states. We are equals in that respect, both having to submit to one another. I still believe women are created to be different then men. And I do believe the calling to stay at home with little children is very real and noble. I really admire those wives and mothers who are doing that for the right reasons. I do believe though that that is not everyone’s calling as a woman.

I am a single woman. I may never marry. Then what? Marriage can be and has become an idol in many Christian lives. I believe that God can teach all of us something from the example of the Proverbs 31 woman, but I don’t know that God would necessarily teach us all that we are to become a carbon copy of her. God is so honouring of our free will. Not only that but he designed us all with different personalities and dreams and preferences and gifts that He bestows and nurtures.

There is room in God’s gospel and in God’s grace to live out the dreams He places inside our hearts and to live in obedience to Him at the same time. I think the answer is to follow Jesus and become his disciple. To develop a close walk with Him and allow the Holy Spirit to guide us into the truth. I’m not a big fan of the cookie cutter Christian mentality. God honours such diversity within His children. I’m so thankful for mothers who choose to stay home to raise their children and make a beautiful home for them and their partners. One that honours God and their own desires/choices.

My mother was a woman like this and I am so thankful for her ❤ But I am more like Paul. While I’m not against marriage and would like to marry, I must confess, I do better as a single. I’m zealous for the Lord and the things of the Lord. And I have not met any man that is similarly concerned about fulfilling God’s will for his life and partnering for the sake of serving God to the utmost.

Many woman are focused so much on their wedding and not near enough on their marriage today. Seven years later (or less) and reality kicks in and they get a divorce because “their needs are not being met.” God respects our individuality and our desire to not only be obedient to His Word but also obedient to the inspiration given by the Holy Spirit who illumines God’s word so that it targets our hearts specifically and perfectly.”-Janine

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